Digestive Comparison of Pea Protein Whey Beef Protein Supplement

All-time Protein Powder Clean Lean Poly peptide Nutrition & Nutrition Didactics Egg Protein Pea Poly peptide Product_clean-lean-protein Protein Powder Protein Powder Comparing vegan protein

Protein is a macronutrient that is essential for your health. It contains amino acids, which are often called the "building blocks" of your cells and tissues. When you consume protein, information technology gets broken down and used to support a number of unlike functions in your body, including muscle growth and immune health.one

Only even though most people agree that poly peptide is important in your diet, opinions differ virtually which source of protein is best.

Protein is naturally establish in animal products similar meat, poultry, eggs, fish, shellfish, and dairy. It'south as well found in certain plants like grains, basics, seeds, and legumes, including beans and peas. Not all of these protein sources incorporate the same type and amount of amino acids, and they don't all affect your wellness (or the planet) in the same fashion.

Clean Lean Protein is a consummate pea poly peptide source fabricated with loftier quality and sustainable ingredients. It'due south becoming a get-to source for many people turning toward a more constitute-based nutrition because of wellness, environmental, or upstanding concerns (and sometimes all three). But how does this pea protein compare to all other proteins on the marketplace? Knowing the main differences and similarities can help you lot make the correct choice for your needs.

Table of Contents

  • Pea Protein vs Rice Poly peptide
  • Pea Protein vs Soy Protein
  • Pea Protein vs Whey Protein
  • Plant Protein vs Beast Protein
  • Pea Poly peptide vs Meat
  • Pea Poly peptide vs Egg Protein
  • Pea Poly peptide vs Chicken
  • Pea Protein vs Bone Broth
  • Pea Protein vs Cricket Poly peptide
  • Pea Protein vs Casein
  • Pea Poly peptide vs Hemp Protein
  • Pea Protein vs Pumpkin Seed Protein
  • Pea Protein vs Collagen
  • Pea Protein vs Quinoa Protein

rice protein

Pea Protein vs Rice Protein

Both peas and rice are staple food sources in diets from around the world. Inquiry suggests that people started cultivating these crops equally long as 11,000 and ix,600 years ago, respectively.2,three Wild peas have an even longer track history, with archeological evidence suggesting that we've been eating them for at least 23,000 years!ii

Pea protein vs rice protein are both highly palatable and naturally gluten-free. They're ideal for vegans and vegetarians, just can as well provide quality protein for people who choose to eat meat, besides.

Some people adopt rice poly peptide because they are intolerant or allergic to legumes, a class of plants that includes peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts. Fortunately, Clean Lean Poly peptide past Nuzest is free of lectin, which is often the compound driving a legume allergy. In case you're wondering, lectin is a blazon of plant protein that binds to carbohydrates and reduces your torso'southward ability to absorb nutrients.4 Rice, specially brown rice, contains many of the important essential amino acids your body needs. Unlike pea protein, however, rice poly peptide is not a complete protein source. This actually explains why you lot'll oft see manufacturers calculation pea protein to rice protein powders. A lot of people too find the distinct taste of rice protein powder a bit off-putting and prefer the more neutral gustation of pea poly peptide powder.

Pea protein as well contains slightly more than protein per 100-calorie serving than rice protein does—22 grams vs 15 grams. This makes pea protein the more toll-effective pick for a lot of consumers.

soy protein

Pea Poly peptide vs Soy Protein

Both pea protein vs soy poly peptide are both widely available on the market today and are popular vegan protein sources. Even people who aren't vegan oftentimes notice these protein sources easy to incorporate into their diet, especially if they desire to start consuming more plants.

Peas and soy are both part of the legume family. Soy is 1 of the main crops grown in the United States and is subsidized by the federal regime, which makes it relatively inexpensive compared to other plant-based protein products.vSoy is too uniquely rich in phytonutrients called isoflavones.6Isoflavones are types of found estrogen that are similar to the hormone estrogen commonly produced by the body. Interestingly, isoflavones are backside some of the controversy well-nigh soy. Some studies advise that eating soy may increase the chance for certain health conditions because of the mode isoflavones interact with estrogen receptors in the body. But other studies propose the reverse.half-dozen A lot of this conflicting data comes up considering the studies involved are and so different from each other, which makes comparisons difficult.

Overall, almost wellness experts agree that soy is rubber and in most cases beneficial. The Food and Drug Administration even supports the claim that soy may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.7 Unlike about all other plant-based protein sources out there, soy is considered a complete source of amino acids. Near pea protein brands can't make that claim! Thankfully, Clean Lean Poly peptide is fabricated with premium gilded peas from Europe and also offer you lot a 100% amino acrid contour. If you're allergic to soy or if you lot're concerned nigh the controversies surrounding soy, pea protein is probable a amend choice. Merely both can be a part of a counterbalanced diet.

whey protein

Pea Protein vs Whey Protein

The debate over pea poly peptide vs whey protein is a hot one. Both of these protein sources are popular and piece of cake to find on the market place, and proponents offering plenty of benefits to consuming either one.

An obvious benefit of pea protein vs whey protein is that pea protein is vegan. Whey poly peptide requires a fleck more processing and is rendered from milk that comes from animals like cows and goats. Of grade, this may not matter to you if you choose to eat meat and animal products, although you even so may decide to incorporate pea poly peptide into your nutrition because research shows that plant-based diets promote better health and longevity.8 A lot of people are turning abroad from whey protein because of concerns about sustainability, since the environmental impact of raising animals for protein is much greater than growing plants for poly peptide.9 Plus, whey isn't a viable pick for people who are lactose-intolerant or merely take a difficult time digesting whey.

Whey poly peptide is ofttimes touted every bit a peachy postal service-workout protein. While it's definitely important to consume enough poly peptide to support muscle repair and synthesis, y'all can still optimize these adaptations if you lot cull Clean Lean Poly peptide, considering information technology provides 100% of the amino acids your muscles need, including isoleucine, valine, arginine, and lysine.

Have you ever wondered how well yous tolerate whey protein? Stepping away from whey and switching to pea protein for a while may aid you gain insight into which one sits better with your body.

Constitute Protein vs Creature Poly peptide

Which ane is better, establish protein vs brute poly peptide? And is the answer really black and white?

Humans evolved eating both plants and animals. But it's not hard to imagine how modernistic twenty-four hours food practices are dramatically dissimilar from the hunting, gathering, and foraging lifestyle of our ancestors. The differences are especially obvious in conventional practices used to raise animals for consumption. Not only do "mill farm" animals experience loftier degrees of stress and inhumane living environments, just their products as well tend to be less nutritious and fifty-fifty harmful to your health compared to humanely-raised animals.ten,eleven

Then over again, conventional practices used to grow crops aren't without their issues, either. Conventional farming can harm the environment due to effects like topsoil depletion and the employ of toxic chemicals in pesticides and herbicides.12

Conspicuously, both conventional agriculture and conventional animal-rearing have serious implications for both health of human humans and the planet. In an ideal world, we would all be able to choose local, organic, wild-caught, grass-fed, and sustainably harvested foods—whether vegan, vegetarian, or omnivorous.

The skillful news is that by consuming a various range of plants, it'southward possible to get all the protein and amino acids you need without existence reliant on animal products. This matters to a lot of consumers, because research suggests beast-rearing for food production has a greater negative bear on on the planet.9

Eating more natural plant foods, including sustainable and premium products similar Clean Lean Protein, can also help you lot live longer and healthier.eightPlus, grass-fed and organic animal protein is prohibitively expensive for many people. Organic beef, for instance, is twoscore% more expensive than non-organic beef on average.13 Meanwhile, the cost of sustainable and loftier quality pea protein can be much more than affordable and is a consummate poly peptide source.

Are you a meat eater, vegetarian, or vegan? What's your take on the plant protein vs animate being poly peptide discussion?

Pea Poly peptide vs Meat

People tend to stick to their guns when it comes to meat-eating (no pun intended). But these days, more and more researchers, environmentalists, and other folks concerned with human and planet wellness are calling for a move toward more institute-based diets.

Rendering pea poly peptide requires 1 tenth of the land needed for rendering meat.9 And as the Washington Postal service reports, meat eaters consistently accept a much larger carbon footprint than people who maintain a largely plant-based diet.14

Of grade, equally consumers we aren't making choices based on environmental impact alone. Our health must come into the equation, too.

To this point, pea protein notwithstanding comes out ahead of meat for many people. To sympathise why, we can merely starting time at calorie content. There are 90 calories per serving of Nuzest's gilded pea protein. Compare this to 230 calories in the recommended 3 ounce serving size of steak—and let's exist honest, what eatery or at-home cook ever puts just 3 ounces of steak on a plate?

There's another relatively unknown reason why substituting meat with pea protein is the more health-conscious choice: meat and other animal products contain high amounts of an amino acid called leucine. This amino acid is thought to exist a major commuter behind crumbling and crumbling-related illnesses—including cancer and premature death—by activating an enzymatic process in the body called mTOR.15

Equally the research suggests, swapping out meat for plant-based proteins similar pea protein could be a major step in the right direction equally far equally longevity and disease prevention goes.

Where practice you stand up in the pea protein vs meat debate?

egg protein

Pea Protein vs Egg Poly peptide

As consumers, our purchasing ability comes with a lot of responsibility. The foods nosotros make up one's mind to buy and feed to our families make a potent vote ane mode or the other about which type of industries nosotros desire to back up.

Information technology's a skillful thing to keep in mind when trying to make a choice between pea protein vs eggs, for example.

Consider the conventional egg industry: chickens are housed in cramped, sunless, deplorable weather condition and fed junk grains that don't offer them the requisite nutrients they need. It's why farmers have to add supplements to their diets and fill the chickens with antibiotics.

Not only is this ethically questionable, simply information technology'southward nutritionally questionable, too. Enquiry shows that pasture-raised eggs contain significantly more than Vitamin A, E, and omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventional eggs.16 Pasture-raised eggs, while the amend egg choice nutritionally and ethically, also happen to cost $v or more than per dozen. This leaves plenty of budget-aware consumer with the proverbial egg on their face up.

What's the nutritional score when comparison pea protein to egg? Nuzest

Clean Lean Protein contains 18-21 grams of high quality pea protein per serving, compared to merely 6 grams of protein per egg. Make clean Lean also contains just one gram of fat per serving compared to the five grams found within every eggshell. For many people, this makes pea protein a much more price-effective and wellness-effective choice compared to eggs, even if the latter comes from free-range chickens. Don't forget that kids need protein, too—but eggs often aren't the correct selection for immature bodies. Co-ordinate to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the common egg allergy affects equally many every bit ii percent of children, and a third of these children won't grow out of information technology.17

Pea Protein vs Chicken

The World Health Arrangement informs united states of america that diets heavy in reddish meat has been associated with an increased risk for chronic illnesses like cancer.xviii Many people respond to this data by replacing steaks with grilled chicken breasts.

But is this the correct move for you lot?

The thing is, chicken isn't a suitable protein source for a lot of people. Chicken meat contains a relatively loftier amount of an amino acid chosen leucine, which has been shown to trigger an enzymatic process in the torso called mTOR. mTOR is linked with accelerated aging and an increased risk for cancer.xix

And let's face information technology: almost of the craven that's available in our grocery stores comes from animals who live stressful and deplorable lives in cramped coops, only to be filled with antibiotics and hormones earlier they're slaughtered. What'due south more, these compensatory chemicals appear to have consequences. As just one case, research from a peer-reviewed journal indicates that commercial craven meat may contribute to hormone-related illnesses in humans, including polycystic ovary syndrome.twenty

The good news is that enquiry too tells usa that eating more plants including fruits, vegetables, and legumes, is health-protective.21 So even if yous don't want to completely give up on eating chicken—especially the kind sourced from costless-range, pastured, grass-fed fowl—you lot can nevertheless get the protein and nutrients you demand from a diverse institute-based diet.

Want to hedge your bets fifty-fifty more than? Add high quality pea poly peptide into the mix. Clean Lean Protein is a skillful source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) that have been shown to promote muscle gain, satiety, and improved claret force per unit area.22

With accolades like these, information technology's no wonder that more than folks are realizing that they don't "need" chicken to be lean, strong, and salubrious.

Pea Protein vs Bone Broth

Are yous looking to switch upwardly your protein intake? Take you lot come across bone broth in your inquiry? It'southward not surprising if you have.

Bone broth—rendered from a simmer of animal basic, connective tissues, vegetables, and other ingredients—has exploded in popularity within the past few years. These days, it'southward possible to observe relatively high quality bone broth products sourced from grass-fed and more ethically-raised animals.

The cost, however, is a major limiting cistron for a lot of health-conscious people. One 16-ounce container of a pop os broth (with two servings per container) costs around $8. If nosotros're doing our math right, that is $4 per serving—with ane serving containing about 7 grams of protein.

Compare this to the 5.5 lb purse of Make clean Lean Protein. With 100 servings per container, your per serving cost plummets to $1.69. Meanwhile, each serving contains effectually 2-3 times more protein found in one serving of bone broth, making information technology a great cost-effective alternative.

Cost isn't the but gene to consider when choosing between pea protein vs bone broth. A serving of pea poly peptide has been shown to promote a healthy level of satiety, which may curb food cravings and overeating.23,24 Comparatively, sipping on a hot cup of os broth may not make full yous upwards quite as well, which can set you lot upwardly for excess calorie consumption.

Nosotros'd be remiss to leave out a major area of broth-related concern found in the literature, which is an result generally overlooked by the rapidly expanding bone goop industry—projected to be worth over $2.8 billion by 2024. 25

The business organization is lead contamination, which appears fifty-fifty to touch bone broths marketed as higher quality.

In a 2013 study published in a peer-reviewed periodical, researchers found that bone goop made from organic, free-range craven bones had 10 times more than lead in information technology compared to the water used prior to rendering.26

For many consumers, data similar this makes bone broth appear even more plush. Exposure to atomic number 82 has been linked with many health issues in adults and humans, including an increased chance for hypertension, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning impairments, mood and behavior problems, and impaired fetal development.27

What exercise you lot recall of the os broth trend?

cricket protein

Pea Protein vs Cricket Poly peptide

In a modernistic earth rife with concerns about the surroundings, sustainability, wellness, and ethics, many people are get-go to expect for alternatives to major protein sources like cherry meat and chicken. In their efforts, some consumers have stumbled upon cricket poly peptide. Aye, cricket—as in the chirping, jumping bug.

Perchance eating bugs isn't equally wild as it sounds. After all, people have been eating insects for tens of thousands of years, and they remain a major part of the staple diet for many cultures around the world today.28

Ounce for ounce, crickets also announced to be a hefty source of complete protein. Some research suggests that insects are nigh 70% poly peptide by dry weight, compared to simply 31% and 29% for chicken and sirloin steak, respectively.29,30 Plus, crickets tin can reproduce at a much faster rate than the larger animals we typically eat and require significantly less acreage for production.30

With this in mind, cricket protein may exist a good option for people who aren't interested in going full vegan just equally can't tum the big carbon footprint that their big animal meat consumption makes on the planet.31

Of grade, if you're not ready to eat bugs either, consider pea protein vs. cricket protein: pea poly peptide is an splendid sustainable and healthy option. Clean Lean Poly peptide is made with easy to digest, lectin-free European Aureate Peas that are 100% vegan-friendly. Per serving, Clean Lean Poly peptide costs equally little every bit $one.69 and boasts equally much as 18 to 21 grams of protein.

Pea Protein vs Casein

Is casein a good protein option for you? How does this type of protein compare to pea protein? Like most nutritional decisions, your answers to these questions are based on a lot of private factors, including your values, goals, and wellness.

First thing's first: if you lot're vegan or looking to vote with your dollars by non purchasing animal products, then casein—the main blazon of protein plant in dairy products—won't fit the bill.

You may also want to consider the style the man body metabolizes casein. Compared to other animate being-based proteins, casein digests much more than slowly.32 What this means is that the amino acids from casein are released for a more prolonged amount of time into the bloodstream.

Some debate that this slow-acting release results in amend poly peptide synthesis, specially when casein is consumed at night. Considering it's so tiresome-acting, however, casein isn't an ideal protein to take right later on you finish a workout—a time when your body needs fast access to protein in order to support muscle repair.33

As part of a various plant-heavy diet, pea protein provides a good source of BCAAs, which are a must for edifice lean torso mass.33And because  Clean Lean Protein is lectin-costless and highly digestible, the product is a not bad source of fast-acting and accessible protein during the important post-workout window when your body needs to furnish itself.

Past the manner, if you're allergic to dairy (just not legumes), pea protein is probably the better choice when comparing pea protein vs casein. This is because even though casein is free of lactose (an allergenic sugar in milk), it still tin can lead to unpleasant side furnishings in some people with a dairy allergy.34

hemp protein

Pea Poly peptide vs Hemp Protein

Thanks to greater awareness about research supporting the dangers of diets loftier in beast products (especially processed meats), more than and more consumers are turning to vegan sources of protein, including pea and hemp. Both pea protein and hemp protein can be healthy additions to a institute-based diet, and understanding some of the differences can help you decide which one is best for y'all.

Hemp poly peptide is derived from seeds of the cannabis constitute. Unlike the cannabis institute marijuana, hemp doesn't make you loftier, since it contains just trace amounts of the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).35

There's amend news in what hemp does contain a lot of: good-for-you compounds including cobweb, zinc, atomic number 26, magnesium, and the plant-grade of omega-3 fat acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Compared to pea protein, hemp protein likewise appears to comprise more than of the amino acid methionine, which is important for diverse cell functions and liver health.36,37

On the other paw, hemp protein is low in the essential amino acid lysine, which does everything from helping the torso absorb other nutrients to supporting immune function.38

Conversely, pea poly peptide is a rich plant-based source of lysine, and likewise contains nearly double the corporeality of poly peptide per serving compared to hemp.39

In the case of pea protein vs hemp protein, it may non exist a matter of "either or" but "and." Clean Lean Protein is a complete protein source on its own. But eating a diverse range of plant-based proteins, including hemp protein powder, can assist you get all the amino acids you lot need for optimal health and function, along with sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, and cobweb.xl

pumpkin seed protein

Pea Protein vs Pumpkin Seed Protein

It doesn't matter if you lot're a bill of fare-carrying member of the Meat Eaters Society or a committed vegan with decades of animal-complimentary eating under your belt. Research indicates that eating more plants—including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds—is proficient for your wellness and tin reduce your risk of affliction, including cancer and centre disease.41

For people gravitating toward a plant-based diet, getting adequate levels of protein is a major area of concern. To ensure you're getting enough essential amino acids to support optimal wellness, lean body mass, and proper jail cell function, information technology's all-time to source your protein from a multifariousness of plants.

Consider the comparison of pumpkin seed protein vs pea protein. They both have a similar amount of protein per serving, although pea protein contains a greater amount of the amino acrid lysine compared to pumpkin seed poly peptide.42

But pumpkin seeds aren't without their merit—or without their place in a salubrious plant-based nutrition. For 1 thing, they provide loftier amounts of of import minerals including magnesium and zinc.42,43 They also contain a salubrious dose of Vitamin E, an of import antioxidant.44,45

Further enquiry washed in animate being models as well suggest that pumpkin seed poly peptide and pumpkin seed oil offering heart-healthy benefits, including lowered claret pressure and reduced levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol.42,46

If yous're allergic to peas and other legumes, pumpkin seed protein could be an important stand-in for your plant-based diet. Fortunately, Clean Lean Protein is made with loftier quality premium European Aureate Peas and is free of lectin—the central protein underlying legume intolerance. Pass the peas, please!

Pea Protein vs Collagen

Decades of enquiry have found correlations between scarlet meat consumption and a multifariousness of serious wellness concerns, including cancer, stroke, and early on death.47 Perhaps yous've heard of this enquiry and consequently are at present looking for alternative protein sources.

Trending on the market these days is collagen poly peptide, which is the virtually abundant blazon of protein plant within the creature kingdom.48 Supplements are derived from connective tissues and bones of animals—then, dissimilar pea poly peptide, information technology's not a adept option for vegans or vegetarians.

There is at least some research showing potential benefits of collagen, including improved gut wellness, skin health, and musculus development.49,50,51,52 Notwithstanding, the general consensus in the nutritional scientific discipline field right at present says there needs to be a lot more than research done before we tin come up to more definitive conclusions about collagen's health benefits and risks.

Collagen also come with some problems, the possibility of unpleasant side effects including tummy upset, heartburn, and other signs of indigestion.51 Comparatively, Clean Lean Protein is made with premium European peas that are easily digested by the body and complimentary of the poly peptide lectin that could otherwise lead to a legume intolerance.

From a more applied standpoint, pea protein and other found proteins have less of an environmental bear upon compared to animal-based proteins, including collagen.53 Consumers concerned about the effect of their purchases on state, free energy, and h2o resource may well gravitate toward a more plant-based diet, which has been shown to have a lower carbon footprint.9,53

quinoa protein

Pea Protein vs Quinoa Protein

Anyone familiar with the plant-based nutrition revolution has probable meet pea protein and quinoa protein before. While both tin exist a salubrious addition to a counterbalanced nutrition, they do take some important differences. Knowing these differences can aid decide which is a ameliorate option for you.

Both peas and quinoa are naturally costless of gluten, which is a protein found in grains similar wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten causes serious health problems for people with an autoimmune disorder known as Celiac disease, and nevertheless problematic issues with people who don't have Celiac only are gluten-sensitive—which has been estimated by experts to impact as much as vii% of the Us population.54

Quinoa, which is oft referred to equally a grain but is technically a seed, is considered a keen source of nutrients, including fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins and minerals like atomic number 26, copper, magnesium, folate, phosphorus, and vitamin B12, B6, and Eastward. 55,56 In its powdered form, quinoa protein is a staple in many vegan poly peptide brands on the market, although due to processing information technology may lose some of its other nutrients of value.

Quinoa protein is of particular interest to the plant-based diet revolution because information technology contains all nine essential amino acids, including lysine. 57,58 This makes it a complete protein source. That said, Clean Lean Protein is a consummate protein source, too.

For anyone eating less meat and consuming more than plants, information technology's important to make sure you're roofing all your bases as far as amino acrid profile goes. Including multiple kinds of plants in your daily nutrition, including quinoa poly peptide and pea protein, tin help make sure y'all're properly nourished.

Getting plenty high quality protein in your nutrition is essential for supporting optimal health and lean body mass. This macronutrient does everything from helping y'all build strong muscles to strengthening your immune system.

Merely not all protein is created equal. Knowing the differences betwixt pea poly peptide vs all other types of protein—including how it affects your torso, your budget, and the environment—tin help you feel more than confident in your purchasing decisions. The key is to detect a range of protein sources that fit your lifestyle, wellness needs, goals, and behavior.

What is the best protein powder?

There are many benefits of lot of different poly peptide powders, just we similar to look at a few factors: sustainability, overall benefits, and sense of taste. Peas are classified as a sustainable ingather equally they use less land and water than alternatives and add together vital nutrients similar nitrogen dorsum into the soil. Since this is very of import in today'south world, the sustainability factors of a pea protein powders make information technology stand up out among the rest. Pea protein provides a ton of benefits and tastes not bad, too! The versatility of pea protein powders like Clean Lean Poly peptide are among the top contenders!

Where practise you become from here?

Decide which protein is right for you and integrate it into your daily routine. If you want to take it a step further and follow a plant-based diet or vegan diet, you can join in with us in our 7-twenty-four hours vegan meal programme. Join the states for complimentary here.


  1. https://www.livescience.com/53044-poly peptide.html
  2. https://world wide web.thoughtco.com/domestication-history-of-peas-169376
  3. https://www.theatlantic.com/scientific discipline/annal/2017/05/rice-domestication/528288/
  4. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-loftier-in-lectins
  5. http://world wide web.fao.org/3/t0532e/t0532e07.htm
  6. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/soy/
  7. https://world wide web.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=101.82
  8. https://nutritionstudies.org/inquiry-confirms-a-found-based-diet-can-help-you-live-longer/
  9. http://www.roquette-food.com/white-papers/benefits-of-vegetable-proteins-for-athletes-and-active-adults/
  10. https://www.aspca.org/animate being-cruelty/farm-creature-welfare/animals-manufacturing plant-farms
  11. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5607874/
  12. http://leafcertified.org/the-clothes-industry/faqs/problems-associated-with-conventional-farming
  13. https://www.consumerreports.org/cro/news/2015/03/toll-of-organic-nutrient/index.htm
  14. https://world wide web.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/02/nineteen/eating-a-lot-of-meat-is-pain-the-environment-and-yous-should-stop-height-u-s-nutritional-console-says/
  15. https://ucdintegrativemedicine.com/2016/x/iii-relatively-unknown-poly peptide-related-issues-fix/#gs.iehxjc
  16. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/pastured-vs-omega-iii-vs-conventional-eggs#section3
  17. https://acaai.org/allergies/types-allergies/food-allergy/types-food-allergy/egg-allergy
  18. http://www.who.int/features/qa/cancer-red-meat/en/
  19. https://ucdintegrativemedicine.com/2016/10/3-relatively-unknown-protein-related-problems-gear up/#gs.iehxjc
  20. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28625952
  21. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/bcbf/c80844b7e61b2ae805ef9a37fb15e36e6ccd.pdf
  22. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-vegan-protein-powder#section
  23. https://www.healthline.com/diet/all-time-vegan-protein-powder#section1
  24. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25882536
  25. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/02/26/1387046/0/en/Worldwide-Broth-Market-worth-over-USD-ii-8-Billion-by-2024-Global-Market-Insights-Inc.html
  26. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23375414
  27. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/csem.asp?csem=34&po=10
  28. https://world wide web.nationalgeographic.com/civilization/2004/07/eating-bugs-cultural-cuisine/
  29. https://world wide web.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/03/algae-peas-and-crickets-3-new-sorta-out-there-sources-of-poly peptide/
  30. https://world wide web.nytimes.com/2014/01/08/dining/free energy-bars-that-put-a-chirp-in-your-step.html?_r=0
  31. http://www.roquette-food.com/white-papers/benefits-of-vegetable-proteins-for-athletes-and-active-adults/
  32. https://world wide web.uofmhealth.org/health-library/hn-10008598
  33. https://breakingmuscle.com/healthy-eating/whey-protein-vs-casein-poly peptide-which-is-best-for-what
  34. https://healthtrends.com/casein/
  35. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J133v02n04_04
  36. https://world wide web.healthline.com/diet/6-wellness-benefits-of-hemp-seeds#section2
  37. https://world wide web.rxlist.com/methionine/supplements.htm
  38. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324019.php
  39. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-vegan-poly peptide-pulverization#section2
  40. https://www.popsci.com/plant-protein-healthier/
  41. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/incorporating-high-quality-establish-based-foods-to-diet-decreases-risk-of-deaths-from-heart-disease
  42. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-vegan-protein-pulverization#section3
  43. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-benefits-of-pumpkin-seeds
  44. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8638429
  45. http://world wide web.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=82
  46. https://www.science.gov/topicpages/p/pumpkin+seed+oil.html
  47. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-swallow/poly peptide/#protein-research
  48. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK21582/
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  55. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20814881
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Source: https://nuzest-usa.com/blogs/blog/pea-protein-compare-to-all-other-proteins

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