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>will yous take a career suspension if you have saving?


post May 22 2022, 09:eleven AM, updated 2w ago

When you feel a career exhaustion and mental torture at piece of work with your dominate's micro-manage and autocratic style of direction, will you accept a career pause by resigning without a job if y'all have ane.five years worth of expenses saved in cash / investment (though selling at a loss now)?

This post has been edited by gundamsp01: May 22 2022, 09:24 AM


post May 22 2022, 09:12 AM

i even took a career interruption without enough saving.


post May 22 2022, 09:12 AM

Nope, take the micromanagement as a challenge and screw the boss over 🤭


post May 22 2022, 09:13 AM

I wish too, but main concern was is can I get back at least the pay I am earning now if I resume piece of work i or 2 years later.


post May 22 2022, 09:14 AM

A number of my friends / colleagues took a sabbatical due to many reasons. Some got saving. Some got FaMa back up. Longest breather - 1 twelvemonth



post May 22 2022, 09:20 AM


post May 22 2022, 09:22 AM

Notice a hobby

Look for other jobs in the meantime


post May 22 2022, 09:22 AM

Always thought and then but usually a vacation or a new job heck even new function is enough to revitalise me. Also having a family helps. In that location is never enough when yous take family


post May 22 2022, 09:23 AM

ane calendar month break boring already. few options:

notice new job
ask dorsum old chore
tahan until bonus


post May 22 2022, 09:24 AM

hmmm, are y'all sure your boss is going to accept yous dorsum subsequently 1 year



post May 22 2022, 09:25 AM

At that place's a joke somewhere proverb Japanese workaholic going to die at dwelling house if they take a break more than 3 days...🤪


post May 22 2022, 09:26 AM

I volition invest in gandum hoping the toll will further hike


post May 22 2022, 09:29 AM

QUOTE(9m2w @ May 22 2022, 09:22 AM)

E'er thought so merely unremarkably a vacation or a new task heck even new role is plenty to revitalise me. Also having a family unit helps. There is never plenty when y'all have family unit


i took a leap of faith by leaving my previous job for a new job, but situation is worse, management means of operating is really important to ensure the employees work in a happy notwithstanding cooperative way, only i lost the chance, and jumped from the pan into the burn down.

QUOTE(Enjoise @ May 22 2022, 09:23 AM)

1 month pause boring already. few options:

find new job
ask back old job
tahan until bonus


i willing to retire entirely if i am rich, i have much more than meaningful things to practise than the actual job itself, colorlessness is never a thing during my off day. But well, i all the same demand an income.

QUOTE(loserguy @ May 22 2022, 09:24 AM)

hmmm, are y'all sure your boss is going to take you back after 1 twelvemonth



definitely non under the same boss, and no, the rest i am talking near is that i resign and get out 24 hours without a job, and outset looking for the next during my jobless fourth dimension.


post May 22 2022, 09:29 AM

Yes will practise merely only if there actually no other selection left.


post May 22 2022, 09:30 AM

New Member

I took ii years of career break without saving

Best fourth dimension of my life


post May 22 2022, 09:xxx AM

QUOTE(yongku99 @ May 22 2022, 09:25 AM)

There's a joke somewhere saying Japanese workaholic going to die at home if they have a intermission more than iii days...🤪


that's because all these blazon of people have zippo meaningful outside of their career life. I compassion these people really.


post May 22 2022, 09:thirty AM

QUOTE(cuddlybubblyteddy @ May 22 2022, 09:30 AM)

I took 2 years of career break without saving

Best time of my life


how you lot support your life? And how you get back into career life?

This post has been edited past gundamsp01: May 22 2022, 09:31 AM


post May 22 2022, 09:33 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 09:30 AM)

that's because all these type of people have nothing meaningful exterior of their career life. I pity these people actually.


Just a unlike piece of work culture perhaps,and they're the almost loyal to one company, fifty-fifty a lot of stories of some workaholic that rarely accept leave in the whole twelvemonth.crazy...


post May 22 2022, 09:34 AM

New Fellow member

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:30 AM)

how you support your life? And how you get dorsum into career life?


That was before covid , between 2012 - 2014

Through friend and people that was kind hearted

Back to career life = utilize a Depression paying chore, the objective is to go back to work asap. Work for i.5 years, modify to new industry and never look dorsum


post May 22 2022, 09:34 AM

Yes I volition. With that type of bad boss no demand second though


post May 22 2022, 09:53 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 09:11 AM)

When you experience a career exhaustion and mental torture at work with your dominate'southward micro-manage and autocratic style of direction, will you accept a career break by resigning without a task if you lot accept 1.5 years worth of expenses saved in cash / investment (though selling at a loss now)?


Yes, I actually did.

Requires a long preparation. My programme was to take a one year break without a job.

To prepare, I accumulated cash fund to cover 2 years of expenses (not 2 years of salary). I usually under normal situation keep 12 months greenbacks expenses for emergency, then this means doubling the emergency fund. Information technology's 2 years in example it was harder than I expect to find a new job. I also saved some extra coin for traveling/vacation

I didnt bear upon/liquidate my longer term investments.

I also started sending CV to potential employers on month 7 of career break.

As information technology turns out, I got a new chore offer at month 10 which I accepted

The economy was bad then and I had to take a 20% paycut at the new job. Friends said I'k lucky fifty-fifty to go an offering.

Simply no regrets, information technology was a good interruption. Only to be honest, it gets a bit tiresome afterward 6 months

This post has been edited by Cubalagi: May 22 2022, 09:55 AM


post May 22 2022, 09:54 AM

Nope. commitment

i dont want korek saving for delivery

usually will secure new job be4 cao (unless u really cannot tahan the job or people until need immediately press button)


post May 22 2022, 09:55 AM

When u complain of the boss micromanaging, and then you leap to a company where the boss doesn't know shit. LOL


post May 22 2022, 09:58 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 09:xi AM)

When you experience a career exhaustion and mental torture at work with your boss's micro-manage and autocratic style of management, will you take a career pause by resigning without a task if you have i.five years worth of expenses saved in cash / investment (though selling at a loss now)?


Aye I volition

Exactly as how you said it. Kena micromanage by an Indian bitch boss. Everyday have to clothing a mask and put upward a happy face

Left my job concluding year, March, after v years there. Luckily had already saved a lot for a rainy mean solar day

Experience a lot better now later on leaving


post May 22 2022, 10:00 AM

QUOTE(goodiemangold @ May 22 2022, 09:55 AM)

When u complain of the boss micromanaging, and then you leap to a company where the dominate doesn't know shit. LOL


to be frank, i resigned from a dominate who doesn't intendance, and doesn't manage the risk i raised, to a micro-manage boss who wants to know all daily tasks of each invidividual in the squad, dictates everything without consulting the team, and willing to push the programmer and the squad to work during weekends, till midnight. Not to mention, he disallow people to take get out or MC.

Comparing both of these styles, i rather go with the dominate who doesn't care, at least i run the show.

This postal service has been edited by gundamsp01: May 22 2022, 10:00 AM


post May 22 2022, 10:01 AM

QUOTE(cuddlybubblyteddy @ May 22 2022, 09:34 AM)

That was before covid , between 2012 - 2014

Through friend and people that was kind hearted

Back to career life = apply a Low paying job, the objective is to get back to piece of work asap. Work for i.5 years, alter to new industry and never look back


Wow very brave move. Luckily happy ending.


post May 22 2022, 10:01 AM

Been kinda on a career break the past nearly 3 years…


post May 22 2022, 10:01 AM

QUOTE(lopo90 @ May 22 2022, 09:58 AM)

Yes I will

Exactly every bit how you said information technology. Kena micromanage by an Indian bitch dominate. Everyday have to habiliment a mask and put up a happy face up

Left my job final yr, March, later on 5 years there. Luckily had already saved a lot for a rainy solar day

Feel a lot better at present after leaving


mine is an Indian man from India. you able to face her for 5 years, salute you, I tin't fifty-fifty stand up for 2 weeks.


This mail has been edited past gundamsp01: May 22 2022, 10:01 AM


post May 22 2022, x:02 AM

Previous MCO already serve to me as a career suspension.


post May 22 2022, 10:03 AM

QUOTE(max_cavalera @ May 22 2022, x:01 AM)

Been kinda on a career intermission the past almost 3 years…


simply you have the money to beginning your own concern, right? if i am not incorrect...
At my mid 30s now, suddenly got a thought to exist my own boss, but having said that, i had a fail business previously during my younger days...maybe i am non suitable for information technology...


post May 22 2022, ten:04 AM

I am taking career suspension but give my self iii month. But im not taking this to laze around.

My plan is to detect some other job and if that doesnt piece of work ask for old job ( since i was genuinely burnt out mentally and emotionally - wife gone thru abortion and that affected me and my wife desperately emotionally). My ex boss told me on my last day anytime i want the job dorsum my seat will be warm and i can come dorsum

In that 3 months my plan and objective will be
i) to improve my fitness
ii) cheque in with a psychiatric at uh to discuss about my mental state - burn out, emotional frustration and maybe low
iii) travel a little bit to japan
4) detect for other job oppurtunities

Volition exist tendering this week at my new co. Have savings to last one year without touching my investments which is in shits merely my plan volition be iii months


post May 22 2022, 10:05 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 09:11 AM)

When you experience a career burnout and mental torture at piece of work with your boss'due south micro-manage and autocratic style of management, will you take a career suspension by resigning without a task if you lot have i.five years worth of expenses saved in cash / investment (though selling at a loss at present)?


Wasnt able to sleep, constantly stressed out, finally took the determination to quit my company after I got an offering. Surprisingly, tried linkedin for 4 months, did only get 4 interviews. The one that offering was really from a recruiter. Not sure, it was related to linkedin though.


post May 22 2022, ten:06 AM

QUOTE(Roadwarrior1337 @ May 22 2022, 10:04 AM)

I am taking career break but give my self 3 month. But im not taking this to laze effectually.

My plan is to find another job and if that doesnt work ask for quondam job ( since i was genuinely burnt out mentally and emotionally - wife gone thru abortion and that afflicted me and my married woman desperately emotionally). My ex boss told me on my last day anytime i desire the chore back my seat will be warm and i can come back
In that 3 months my plan and objective volition be
1) to meliorate my fitness
2) check in with a psychiatric at uh to discuss about my mental state - burn out, emotional frustration and maybe depression
iii) travel a fiddling bit to japan
4) notice for other task oppurtunities
Will exist tendering this calendar week at my new co. Accept savings to concluding 1 year without touching my investments which is in shits but my plan will exist three months


that's for sharing your programme and advice in my previous thread and this.


Really lucky that your ex boss still reserve a place for you, while my ex dominate isn't that open of a person as a dominate, he holds grudge confronting those who left, and vowed non to hire them back.


post May 22 2022, ten:06 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 11:03 AM)

but you have the money to start your own business organisation, right? if i am not wrong...
At my mid 30s at present, all of a sudden got a thought to be my own boss, just having said that, i had a fail business previously during my younger days...maybe i am not suitable for it...


Yeah kinda. But im withal diversying. Start a new small unequal biz on my part fourth dimension. Collect rentals. Only i e'er brand sure the biz im starting is partially or almost fully automated though.

Currently i even treat my rented out apartment as business. Everytime a tenant moved out, i would spend quite some money to refurbish, renovate it with some id… managed to increase the rent forty-50% up from the bones spec room/unit of measurement.


post May 22 2022, 10:07 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:03 AM)

only you take the money to starting time your own business concern, correct? if i am not wrong...
At my mid 30s now, suddenly got a thought to be my own boss, but having said that, i had a fail business previously during my younger days...maybe i am non suitable for it...


Ya become for it once more, I likewise now helping my married woman with her shopee concern.

What business organisation you did back then?


post May 22 2022, ten:10 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:06 AM)

that'southward for sharing your plan and advice in my previous thread and this.


Actually lucky that your ex boss yet reserve a identify for y'all, while my ex boss isn't that open up of a person as a boss, he holds grudge against those who left, and vowed not to rent them dorsum.


Well i did alot for her back then. I covered her donkey in audit meetings and any help she needed i was the go to person. She know my value and i continue intoucb with my ex collegue at work and i know she struggling. I tin can exist replaced but i too hold some value she needs. But if it doesnt work out, im a big male child and il have to stratrgize effectually new chore prospect

Either mode i demand to get out from current company and go my depression and emotional state diagnossed. That is priority for now. Without treating it i volition be struggling in any job


post May 22 2022, 10:10 AM

QUOTE(lopo90 @ May 22 2022, 10:07 AM)

Ya become for information technology once again, I also now helping my wife with her shopee business organization.

What business you did back so?


young and naive during my mid 20s, i did some digital game sales using my own credit card, didn't work out, every bit the system banned me for using my credit card for different accounts. Simply anyway, getting a loss of 2k+ regardless.
I always curious well-nigh how people exercise their business and get their suppliers as I have no network in that.


post May 22 2022, 10:13 AM

QUOTE(Roadwarrior1337 @ May 22 2022, 10:10 AM)

Well i did alot for her back then. I covered her ass in audit meetings and any help she needed i was the go to person. She know my value and i keep intoucb with my ex collegue at work and i know she struggling. I tin can be replaced but i likewise concur some value she needs. Merely if it doesnt work out, im a big boy and il accept to stratrgize around new chore prospect

Either way i need to become out from electric current company and get my depression and emotional state diagnossed. That is priority for now. Without treating it i will be struggling in whatever job


same for both of the states...really. Maybe i am more "strawberry" afterwards experiencing MNC manner of work, really frustrated with micro-manage and autocratic means of working now with typical Malaysian companies.


post May 22 2022, ten:fifteen AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, x:ten AM)

young and naive during my mid 20s, i did some digital game sales using my own credit card, didn't work out, as the arrangement banned me for using my credit bill of fare for different accounts. But anyway, getting a loss of 2k+ regardless.
I ever curious about how people do their business and get their suppliers as I have no network in that.


Usually sellers will source from taobao and so sell on shopee

Some source locally besides. During mco flow, my wife institute a shop that sells beef bovril then resold it on shopee because that item quite hard to detect.

Profit margin quite good.


post May 22 2022, 10:18 AM

Nearly did that

Fifty-fifty went to interview at nearby groceries shop as support

Having a competent boss is very important to work life balance

Glad that she got sack after besides many staff (close to 30) left in 12 months time

Zanei Gundan

post May 22 2022, 10:31 AM

the rule ever unchanged

e'er have a fill-in plan to proceeds income

doesnt need to be working in office viii-5 over again


post May 22 2022, 10:31 AM

QUOTE(loui @ May 22 2022, 10:eighteen AM)

Nigh did that

Even went to interview at nearby groceries shop equally back up

Having a competent boss is very important to work life residue

Glad that she got sack subsequently too many staff (shut to 30) left in 12 months time


my boss is someone who is good with technical, and take been with the visitor for many years, turnover charge per unit is really high, and even there was a fourth dimension, a team of developers (more than x) resign en masse and rejecting the counter offer of 30% increment, as they said, not going to piece of work under the same dominate.


post May 22 2022, 10:32 AM

QUOTE(Zanei Gundan @ May 22 2022, 10:31 AM)

the rule always unchanged

e'er have a backup plan to gain income

doesnt need to be working in office 8-5 again


well, tried investing, DCA and whatever it was called, didn't piece of work out, hence in a loss now.
At my age, and electric current situation, really think of exiting the rat race. Mentally tired and tortured.


post May 22 2022, 10:32 AM

New Member

Suffered a exhaustion at 35. House still paying for, kids notwithstanding young, but no choice have to quit and temporary get out of IT or information technology would have killed me. Went to do something totally unrelated for iii years and took one-half the pay.

After 3 enjoyable years, no choice accept to step back to IT once again. That reset probably safe my mind.

Zanei Gundan

post May 22 2022, 10:33 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, x:32 AM)

well, tried investing, DCA and whatever it was called, didn't work out, hence in a loss now.
At my age, and current situation, really think of exiting the rat race. Mentally tired and tortured.


y'all think investment is the merely way?

you lived for most 30-40 years dont smooth another skillset or interests?


post May 22 2022, 10:35 AM

Not really, grad then right subsequently MCO started.
Alof of companies did layoff. Getting a chore within the last ii years without experience has been hell.

Having no job for a long time was quite the low signal in my life. Family support is important though.

Maybe it's different when you know yous're abit more than indispensable in your field.


post May 22 2022, 10:36 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:31 AM)

my boss is someone who is good with technical, and have been with the company for many years, turnover rate is actually high, and even at that place was a time, a squad of developers (more than 10) resign en masse and rejecting the counter offering of 30% increase, as they said, not going to work nether the aforementioned dominate.


why did you delete your serious kopitiam mail.

anyway. i never thought it would come from yous, crusade dont wish annihilation happen to people here.

equally anybody advises, exit the company.

to your question, you are not ready to get some break in betwixt hopping jobs. life isn't a bed of roses, and then we suck up to whatever situation we are in, i volition never sell anything at a loss crusade market is horribly bad now.

and even with 20k passive income/mth, im all the same very hesitated to quit my job. cypher ever seems enough. im planning 50k /mth passive income, then ill re-ask myself the question to resign.

summary, try contact headhunter, observe a practiced MNC job, you volition be ok. Good luck, friend.


post May 22 2022, 10:37 AM

QUOTE(darksideofthemoon @ May 22 2022, 10:32 AM)

Suffered a burnout at 35. House still paying for, kids still young, just no choice have to quit and temporary become out of It or it would have killed me. Went to do something totally unrelated for 3 years and took half the pay.

Afterward 3 enjoyable years, no choice take to pace back to Information technology again. That reset probably safe my mind.


same age, got business firm and car to service, no family of my own though, merely i even so need to have care of my parents and two other brothers who tin't support themselves.
Hence in a deadlock of "i really want to resign and take a few months off, merely can't" confronting "i have one.five years expenses saved up, if i exist more than frugal, i can even push information technology to ii years, and notice a job in the hateful fourth dimension"


post May 22 2022, ten:38 AM

New Member

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 09:11 AM)

When you feel a career burnout and mental torture at work with your boss'due south micro-manage and autocratic style of direction, will y'all take a career suspension past resigning without a task if you have i.5 years worth of expenses saved in greenbacks / investment (though selling at a loss at present)?


Sometime a intermission helps y'all to run across the road you lot're walk on clearer. After your suspension, you probably capeesh and run into your job differently.


post May 22 2022, 10:38 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 11:37 AM)

same age, got house and car to service, no family unit of my own though, but i notwithstanding need to take care of my parents and 2 other brothers who can't back up themselves.
Hence in a deadlock of "i really want to resign and have a few months off, but can't" confronting "i have 1.5 years expenses saved up, if i exist more than frugal, i tin fifty-fifty push it to ii years, and find a job in the hateful time"


U tin stretch to 2 years. Endeavor doing grab/foodpanda/lalamove during your jobless period.


post May 22 2022, x:38 AM

QUOTE(gashout @ May 22 2022, 10:36 AM)

why did y'all delete your serious kopitiam post.

anyway. i never idea information technology would come from you, crusade dont wish anything happen to people here.

every bit everyone advises, leave the visitor.

to your question, y'all are not ready to get some pause in betwixt hopping jobs. life isn't a bed of roses, so nosotros suck up to whatever state of affairs we are in, i will never sell anything at a loss cause market is horribly bad at present.

and even with 20k passive income/mth, im still very hesitated to quit my job. zip ever seems plenty. im planning 50k /mth passive income, then ill re-ask myself the question to resign.

summary, try contact headhunter, find a good MNC job, yous volition be ok. Proficient luck, friend.


i didn't delete, information technology is still there.

cheers for your wishes, i actually looking to become dorsum to MNC task at present, no more than locals.


post May 22 2022, x:39 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:31 AM)

my dominate is someone who is expert with technical, and take been with the company for many years, turnover charge per unit is really high, and even there was a time, a team of developers (more than 10) resign en masse and rejecting the counter offer of 30% increment, equally they said, not going to piece of work under the aforementioned boss.



Technical specialist and people manager are two dissimilar things

Some people are just non meant to be a director

They should merely stick to what they are adept at

My worst ane.five years in my whole life


post May 22 2022, 10:40 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, ten:38 AM)

i didn't delete, information technology is still there.

thanks for your wishes, i really looking to go dorsum to MNC job now, no more locals.


oh, thought information technology got deleted. good luck, friend. y'all volition do ok



post May 22 2022, 10:41 AM

Yes. Did it once will definitely do it again.

If everyone savings and invest for future, I considered both career break and futurity.


post May 22 2022, 10:42 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, ten:32 AM)

well, tried investing, DCA and whatsoever information technology was called, didn't work out, hence in a loss now.
At my age, and current state of affairs, actually call back of exiting the rat race. Mentally tired and tortured.


how erstwhile are you lot?

thats why im frugal to the max. cause i dont wanna exist a slave forever.

and when i have enough, i dont feel scared if anyone threaten to fire me....cause i can afford to be fired.


post May 22 2022, ten:44 AM

QUOTE(gashout @ May 22 2022, 10:42 AM)

how old are you?

thats why im frugal to the max. cause i dont wanna be a slave forever.

and when i have enough, i dont feel scared if anyone threaten to fire me....cause i tin can afford to be fired.


35 this year. I felt burnt out in my previous job, idea of a change of environment, then later on 2 weeks under this new boss, burnt out + mental torture + mid-life crisis. Of a sudden thought that with this salary, it is non even worth the trouble and torture i am going through daily in these 2 weeks.

This post has been edited by gundamsp01: May 22 2022, x:48 AM

Myk Hyn

post May 22 2022, 10:54 AM

I call back from previous post u got mention u in project management or mid management level. Usually for such levels and salary (I presume u asking rm10k or more) will need minimum half-dozen months of hard work finding replacement job. If developer I know I can in i month la.

6 months the minimum, and u also need to prepare mentally to have a lower pay.


post May 22 2022, 10:55 AM

New Member

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:37 AM)

same age, got house and machine to service, no family unit of my own though, only i still need to take intendance of my parents and two other brothers who tin can't back up themselves.
Hence in a deadlock of "i actually want to resign and take a few months off, but can't" against "i have 1.5 years expenses saved up, if i be more frugal, i can even push it to 2 years, and find a task in the mean time"


I can sympathize with your state of affairs, I kinda been at that place.

I still recollect you should get out your chore if it's toxic. But I also demand to tell you that if y'all have and so much responsibilities and you don't observe a job after your break, yous volition confront a different fix of force per unit area.

I don't know how the chore market is right now where y'all are, but you need to seriously consider at least changing job even if yous don't accept a break.

Chinese say, keep the mountain and you demand not fear having no trees to burn for fuel.

Basically go on yourself mentally fit and healthy for now and you have the potential to work and support your family for the hereafter. Burnt yourself out now and you'll not just non be able to support them, you will become another of their them.


post May 22 2022, x:56 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 10:44 AM)

35 this year. I felt burnt out in my previous job, idea of a change of environment, then after two weeks nether this new boss, burnt out + mental torture + mid-life crunch. Suddenly idea that with this salary, it is not even worth the problem and torture i am going through daily in these ii weeks.


ok, 35 still ok.

yeah, i never use salary every bit my criterion to choose my job.

its always check out the boss, the colleagues, the working surround.

almost important is the boss. good luck!


post May 22 2022, ten:59 AM

quit when covid started, now still goyang kaki afterward two.5 years


post May 22 2022, xi:thirteen AM

unker did not take a break... only flip the table and motion on. now still busy, simply at least go paid one'south worth and non working like a retard.

This post has been edited by Dezs: May 22 2022, 11:xiv AM


post May 22 2022, 11:17 AM

I'd say depends on your delivery. Do you lot have a family to feed? Parents to take care? What's your long term plan?

If unmarried, free and easy, why not? Accept skillful care of mental wellness. Recharge first then come back stronger. Heed to your body and mind.


post May 22 2022, 11:18 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 09:11 AM)

When you experience a career burnout and mental torture at work with your boss's micro-manage and autocratic style of direction, will you take a career break past resigning without a job if you have one.5 years worth of expenses saved in cash / investment (though selling at a loss at present)?



Sitting at home for months / years tin can b very demoralising. Stress in some other form.

Wat if u simply discover a chore 2 yrs subsequently ( post kobis / recession / war ) ? Wat if ur side by side boss worst than now? Wat if….

Can try center ii heart chat with ur superior…? If ur immediate boss is harassing/abusive ( micro manage is not actually a skilful excuse) , report 2 hour/ big boss? See can get a transfer.

Safest solution is endeavor apply for a job now. Or starting time freelancing /b cocky employed?


post May 22 2022, eleven:19 AM

New Fellow member

If i hav millions... Yes i quit immediately and remainder


post May 22 2022, 11:20 AM

Peradventure 2 weeks or i month so back to work

If i kena 10 mil.
I'll quit working.
Plan for my dream work.

A pocket-size hut broil pizza


This post has been edited by munak991: May 22 2022, 11:23 AM


post May 22 2022, 11:27 AM

QUOTE(terradrive @ May 22 2022, 10:59 AM)

quit when covid started, at present still goyang kaki after 2.5 years


So who feed u?


post May 22 2022, 11:33 AM

QUOTE(gashout @ May 22 2022, 10:56 AM)

ok, 35 still ok.

yeah, i never apply salary equally my criterion to choose my job.

its always check out the dominate, the colleagues, the working environment.

most of import is the dominate. adept luck!


Yes. During interview must meet immediate boss (or big boss if ur r in mgmt). Must ngam key… afterall work place is our 2nd domicile.

Current Events guy

post May 22 2022, eleven:47 AM

Yep did information technology before.

Sep 2020 to oct 2021.

Covid timing very convenient


post May 22 2022, 11:fifty AM

Unless you can wholeheartedly accept your interruption without worrying annihilation, you'd end up fifty-fifty stressful especially if you know you lot are spending on your savings with loss/cipher income.


post May 22 2022, 11:52 AM

Like the Chinese saying, pahit dulu, manis kemudian.
I will only quit working when I con9lan7firm the coin can terminal until my 80s.

Before that, I am just gonna be humble, kowtow to whoever that feed me.


post May 22 2022, xi:52 AM

Even if i can, i doubt i can take a long one.

Last fourth dimension was between jobs for 3 months also i beh tahan already. Fuking dying at home men


post May 22 2022, 11:53 AM


Ayam resigned to take a break just similar you. It has been three months+. No regrets with the decision. Just ayam is actively looking now coz wanna earn money again although got at least 1 years income saved up.

Same situation similar you. Toxic boss. Was a one man testify. Not fifty-fifty got admin back up as anybody cabut. All issues dumped into me. And blamed. Every calendar week need to encounter the sei sohai and kena yelled at. Mentally draining. Then ayam walked away.

If yous are notwithstanding 2 minds over whether to quit or not to quit. Just trust your feelings/intuition/inner vocalization. Keep the question at the back of mind when you are doing mundane things. The reply will come up to you. If fear is holding you back, and then face up the fear. Usually the matter yous fear most is the matter you actually need to practice.

Finally, ayam advise you have 6 months break. Start actively looking after half dozen months. Good luck. Have fun.


post May 22 2022, 11:56 AM

QUOTE(terradrive @ May 22 2022, 10:59 AM)

quit when covid started, now however goyang kaki afterwards 2.5 years


Syukur. Ada tips ?


post May 22 2022, 11:56 AM

probably not. as my historic period progress, it's getting harder to find another job. my anxiety and fearfulness of the loss of income would likely agree me back from resigning without backup.


post May 22 2022, 11:56 AM

Last time i took a one and one-half yr "career break" by going back to technical engineering job but with same salary, and technical lead position. Took a "break" from being in the corporate direction. Don't desire to face CEO, stakeholders, and directors during the break. Just want to handle and confront machines, and manage a technical squad merely.

This mail has been edited past skyblu3: May 22 2022, 11:57 AM


post May 22 2022, xi:58 AM

QUOTE(ry8128 @ May 22 2022, 09:xiii AM)

I wish too, but main concern was is can I get back at least the pay I am earning at present if I resume work 1 or 2 years after.


this, plus how sure u r can notice a job afterward one.v years? Information technology stressful seeing your savings depleted twenty-four hour period by twenty-four hours but you lot haven't secured any suitable task yet


post May 22 2022, 12:18 PM

QUOTE(terradrive @ May 22 2022, ten:59 AM)

quit when covid started, now nonetheless goyang kaki after 2.5 years


What industry youre in?
I also goyang kaki, I almost need to sell my arm and leg now.


post May 22 2022, 01:04 PM

QUOTE(TiramisuCoffee @ May 22 2022, 11:27 AM)

And so who feed u?


QUOTE(JeremyLord @ May 22 2022, 11:56 AM)

Syukur. Ada tips ?


magic of inheritence...


post May 22 2022, 01:08 PM

this then far what ive been la

>later on graduate i residual for 6 months, i keje part fourth dimension for 6 months while job hunting before landing a job
>after abt 2yr+ there i quit without new chore, rest another six months before got new job
>then keje nonstop for about iv-5 years (but 2 job change)
>then prev role they decided to not continue me past probation, so i chill 3-4 months once again before got new job

frankly if no stay with pama i dont think can afford it. rental will kill me during my freshie grad years of earning peasant celeri. now got more savings so tin tank abit, but notwithstanding living with pama


post May 22 2022, 01:11 PM

been there done that

become alee


post May 22 2022, 01:14 PM

I went full time retirement viii years agone, at outset I was selling stuff on shopee subsequently proverb fuck yous to the corporate world. It's addicting, shit nigga I ain't ever going dorsum to be a slave labor.

After playing with stocks dan inherited some props, now just stare at the wall, main bebird and collect rental money from tenants.


post May 22 2022, 01:15 PM

TS your current rm17k bacon job first to give problem also?


post May 22 2022, 01:sixteen PM

QUOTE(terradrive @ May 22 2022, 01:04 PM)

magic of inheritence...


Lucky u!



post May 22 2022, 01:21 PM

QUOTE(JonSpark @ May 22 2022, 01:14 PM)

I went full time retirement 8 years agone, at first I was selling stuff on shopee afterward saying fuck yous to the corporate globe. It's addicting, shit nigga I own't ever going dorsum to be a slave labor.

Later playing with stocks dan inherited some props, now just stare at the wall, main bebird and collect rental money from tenants.


at the beginning of your shopee business, how yous get your supply? from taobao as well?


post May 22 2022, 01:24 PM

QUOTE(terradrive @ May 22 2022, 01:04 PM)

magic of inheritence...


Yous simply living off the inheritance money or got your own side income to sustain?

Sorry ah, don't me asking. Just curios


Strike Eureka

post May 22 2022, 01:25 PM

New Member

I am having a career break right now.....left my previous job


post May 22 2022, 01:30 PM

online businesses are in a red bounding main
Can't compete in selling physical products and services

Unless its some authentic ideas, but these days new ideas are speedily replicated and competed

Fifty-fifty OnlyFans how many nosotros know are doing well besides PuiYi and Gatita


post May 22 2022, 01:31 PM

QUOTE(JonSpark @ May 22 2022, 01:xiv PM)

I went total fourth dimension retirement 8 years ago, at first I was selling stuff on shopee after saying fuck you to the corporate world. It's addicting, shit nigga I ain't ever going back to be a slave labor.

After playing with stocks dan inherited some props, at present but stare at the wall, principal bebird and collect rental money from tenants.


Inheritance means daddykasi?

Non anybody got such luxuries


post May 22 2022, 01:32 PM

nope..but find another job before resign. anything in between if there is a gap volition be proficient.
may want to nego with the new company and be frank, say you may demand a bigger gap before joining, 2-4 weeks would be good.


post May 22 2022, 01:33 PM

QUOTE(marfccy @ May 22 2022, 01:08 PM)

this so far what ive been la

>after graduate i rest for half-dozen months, i keje part time for half dozen months while job hunting before landing a job
>later on abt 2yr+ there i quit without new job, rest another 6 months before got new job
>then keje nonstop for well-nigh 4-5 years (just ii job change)
>then prev part they decided to not proceed me past probation, then i chill iii-4 months once again before got new job

bluntly if no stay with pama i dont think can beget it. rental will kill me during my freshie grad years of earning peasant celeri. now got more savings so can tank abit, merely still living with pama


user posted image


post May 22 2022, 01:33 PM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 01:21 PM)

at the beginning of your shopee business, how yous get your supply? from taobao as well?


digital game accounts, mass farm from china


My intention of doing it was to kill time at start, and so the nightmare (of dealing with people) started once again....and then I went dark.


post May 22 2022, 01:34 PM

QUOTE(dattebayo @ May 22 2022, 01:fifteen PM)

TS your current rm17k salary job start to give problem also?


the problem is in that location with this caput all along, and i dropped into this trap.
*this head didn't interview me, the one who interviewed me was his boss and another dept head.

the boss and the dept head packaged themselves as "open up-minded", "work as family unit", "piece of work long hours sometimes", but after i joined, other than "long hours", the rest aren't true, just typical micro-manage & autocratic mode of dept run past the indian from India.

This post has been edited past gundamsp01: May 22 2022, 01:36 PM


post May 22 2022, 01:34 PM

QUOTE(0168257061 @ May 22 2022, 01:33 PM)

user posted image


the troof, and frankly ill say im lucky altho it acquired some conflicts

esp when parents said i took "also long" to bring together workforce


post May 22 2022, 01:37 PM

QUOTE(dattebayo @ May 22 2022, 01:31 PM)

Inheritance ways daddykasi?

Not everyone got such luxuries


Dad left united states of america with debts before dying lmao.

Props were from my grandparents (mom's), no one was willing to take the responsibility of maintaining it (cess tax and maintenance) so I kinda turned it around since I'm staying near to the props.

New Klang

post May 22 2022, 01:38 PM

Observe another chore that is satisfactory

It's ameliorate to have monthly income and something to do


post May 22 2022, 01:38 PM

QUOTE(JonSpark @ May 22 2022, 01:37 PM)

Dad left u.s.a. with debts earlier dying lmao.

Props were from my grandparents (mom's), no one was willing to take the responsibility of maintaining it (assessment taxation and maintenance) and then I kinda turned it around since I'one thousand staying near to the props.


skillful that you lot accept prop to rent out for additional income. I don't have those...
how i wish merely collect rental and stay home only.


post May 22 2022, 01:39 PM

New Fellow member

I am like you TS, tired of function work and planning to retire side by side year. I retrieve if your health is going to be affected, just get for it.

Who knows, when you are on your break, you may outset something which makes you millions.

Bug Juice

post May 22 2022, 01:42 PM

New Fellow member

QUOTE(MADReaLJL @ May 22 2022, 09:22 AM)

Find a hobby

Look for other jobs in the meantime


Got hobbies but due to works no time and energy to do hobby

Sometimes feeling like life isn't worth living, y'all spent nearly of time working, which isn't something fun, and then when you got back habitation you left two hours to practice your ain thing

Then much bullshit


post May 22 2022, 01:43 PM

QUOTE(lopo90 @ May 22 2022, 01:24 PM)

You just living off the inheritance money or got your ain side income to sustain?

Sorry ah, don't me asking. Merely curios



got side income similar house rent, bond etc


post May 22 2022, 01:47 PM

2022 and humanity still relying on job and work to survive


post May 22 2022, 01:49 PM

New Member

I took a career break in one case. First few weeks was ok. Later that I experience like meh; I need something to do.

Then I started doing freelance work until recently.

Sabbatical is only ok if you have something planned out. I.e. study, trying a new business, travel, etc. Else you lot'll end upwards feeling shite.


post May 22 2022, 01:51 PM

QUOTE(WaterBuffalo @ May 22 2022, 01:49 PM)

I took a career break once. Commencement few weeks was ok. After that I feel similar meh; I need something to exercise.

And then I started doing freelance work until recently.

Sabbatical is but ok if you accept something planned out. I.e. study, trying a new business, travel, etc. Else you'll stop up feeling shite.


what type of freelance piece of work you doing? something that is related to your working experience?


post May 22 2022, 01:55 PM

Micromanage and autocratic style like how?


post May 22 2022, 01:56 PM

New Member

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 01:51 PM)

what blazon of freelance work you doing? something that is related to your working experience?


QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 01:51 PM)

what type of freelance work y'all doing? something that is related to your working experience?


Yup. By and large partner upwards with SIs. They win big jobs and got me in as a freelancer / additional resource. I merely appear to the client as a vendor's staff. I do my part and ciao.

Sometimes I get my ain jobs as well.


post May 22 2022, 01:58 PM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 01:38 PM)

good that you take prop to rent out for additional income. I don't accept those...
how i wish just collect rental and stay home simply.


Can be both a blessing and headache my dude.

Commercial prop tenant one: prompt payment, fix small probs himself, maintain good rep with community and neighbors

Commercial prop tenant 2: shit with payment, skit masalah will ask me set, neighbors detest him

Residential prop tenant 1: new family unit merely moved in after raya, renter (husband) 1-shot bagi half-dozen months hire in accelerate. The wife is an issue tho, eg simply park her car in front of other people'due south business firm. Neighbor had to contact me to settle this bitch.

Residential land: wanted to convert into car park area for the taman. Got approval from majlis bandaraya to continue. Kena ffk by renovation contractor after paying DP, fucker ran away to Thai cuz he owe ahlong coin.

The remainder are untenanted cuz need heavy renovation.


post May 22 2022, 01:59 PM

QUOTE(mycolumn @ May 22 2022, 01:55 PM)

Micromanage and autocratic mode similar how?


» Click to evidence Spoiler - click again to hide... «

i) he micromanages things going round in the dept, I as project managing director, requested to write report every single twenty-four hour period of what each and every developer and business analyst did in a day, and want me to prep the listing of tasks of each and every solar day for the coming week.
2) he doesn't care about consulting other teams availability or capacity on delivering project, he become the initial requirement, he squeeze everything equally he sees fit, so ask me to become understanding from technical teams without any room for them to object.
3) technical resources are squeezed tight, with most of them handling multiple projects and production issue, notwithstanding, this dominate even so wants projects to be delivered as per his plan, and asked the dev team to comply with the timeline even if they are going to burn down the midnight oil or piece of work on weekend.
iv) we are not allowed to take get out or MC, else will get questioned.
5) we are non allowed to piece of work from home eventhough the company practice hybrid model, and he e'er work from home.
5) I as projection director not able to vocalization out the concern of the team every bit he dictates everything and keep telling me to push, and says this is normal everywhere.
6) Even if i wrote downwardly the updates of side by side actions with person-in-charge and the borderline, he will always find mistake with my update (which in fact, all my ex employers finds my update very comprehensive everytime)


post May 22 2022, 02:01 PM

QUOTE(Bug Juice @ May 22 2022, 01:42 PM)

Got hobbies simply due to works no fourth dimension and energy to practice hobby

Sometimes feeling like life isn't worth living, you spent most of time working, which isn't something fun, and so when y'all got back home yous left two hours to exercise your own thing

So much bullshit


Sounds like you already stuck in middle management or college.

If the 1.5 years of saving can truly cover your commitment, there'south no impairment to resign now. You still tin can do gig jobs or freelancing to comprehend your monthly commitments. There's a lot of ways to proceeds coin, let say if you can only earn 50% of your current income, it still tin can assist to extend your saving to 3 years.

SUS Omni-Human being

post May 22 2022, 02:10 PM

If already so bad, so quit la. Only be prepared for a 20%-thirty% paycut, but its ok if the next boss is good.


post May 22 2022, 02:12 PM

yes mental health is important


post May 22 2022, 03:05 PM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 01:59 PM)

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

one) he micromanages things going round in the dept, I as project manager, requested to write report every single day of what each and every developer and business annotator did in a mean solar day, and want me to prep the list of tasks of each and every day for the coming week.
2) he doesn't intendance near consulting other teams availability or capacity on delivering project, he get the initial requirement, he squeeze everything every bit he sees fit, then ask me to go understanding from technical teams without whatsoever room for them to object.
3) technical resources are squeezed tight, with most of them handling multiple projects and production issue, nevertheless, this boss still wants projects to be delivered as per his plan, and asked the dev squad to comply with the timeline fifty-fifty if they are going to burn the midnight oil or piece of work on weekend.
4) we are not allowed to take get out or MC, else will become questioned.
5) we are not allowed to work from domicile eventhough the company practice hybrid model, and he ever work from abode.
5) I as project director not able to voice out the business concern of the team as he dictates everything and proceed telling me to button, and says this is normal everywhere.
half dozen) Even if i wrote downwards the updates of next deportment with person-in-charge and the deadline, he will always discover fault with my update (which in fact, all my ex employers finds my update very comprehensive everytime)


Escalate him to your college boss?

Not let to take MC itself already violates some labor law

Himself beingness an expat, he should be more worried as our country doesn't welcome them every bit much every bit last time.

Btw how come up local corp can afford these alien monkeys?


post May 22 2022, 03:24 PM

QUOTE(dattebayo @ May 22 2022, 03:05 PM)

Escalate him to your higher boss?

Not allow to take MC itself already violates some labor law

Himself existence an expat, he should exist more worried as our country doesn't welcome them as much as last time.

Btw how come up local corp tin afford these alien monkeys?


higher dominate sides with him, and he has been with the company for many years every bit tech sme. Now he is the dept head.

in It, Indian resources are highly sought after in my current visitor and previous i. When they become ur head, then that's where nightmare starts


post May 22 2022, 03:32 PM

Easy la
But work nether relax mode
Let ur dominate scold or angry or any he wana do
Worse case he fire u or gv u mss
If he dont, merely continue piece of work in slow manner, stress free


post May 22 2022, 03:37 PM

QUOTE(LA773 @ May 22 2022, 03:32 PM)

Easy la
Only work nether relax mode
Let ur boss scold or angry or whatever he wana do
Worse instance he fire u or gv u mss
If he dont, just proceed piece of work in boring mode, stress free


i wish to have your mindset when u tin remain unaffected with ur boss scold or shout at u, while drawing the loftier bacon.

perchance worse, this boss volition tell u to setup coming together during the dark or weekend to chase timeline


post May 22 2022, 03:52 PM

New Member

interruption? lol
more than similar permanently quit if have enuf saving


post May 22 2022, 04:07 PM

in your 30s even so ok

40s , need to have some solid retirement programme earlier quitting because not easy to notice chore.


post May 22 2022, 07:06 PM

Depend on savings and commitment. If non big and got 100k hard cash, so become for it


post May 23 2022, 01:18 AM

QUOTE(gundamsp01 @ May 22 2022, 03:37 PM)

i wish to have your mindset when u can remain unaffected with ur boss scold or shout at u, while drawing the high salary.

maybe worse, this boss will tell u to setup meeting during the night or weekend to hunt timeline


I Say only la
If happen to me in real life, perchance non 100% tin can do information technology too

But in ur case, since u already considering resigning, wat else is there to be scared of?


post May 23 2022, 01:56 AM

I feel you. Having aforementioned shitty micromanagement and autocratic bosses. But I don't dare to take a break, information technology's risky.


post May 23 2022, 02:25 AM

QUOTE(hirano @ May 23 2022, 01:56 AM)

I feel yous. Having aforementioned shitty micromanagement and autocratic bosses. Only I don't cartel to take a break, information technology's risky.


Yolo. 37 yo doc suddenly die at hotel.


post May 23 2022, 09:01 AM

I know i guy who tried to migrate to Australia for ii years.

didn't work.'

he regarded information technology as career intermission.


post May 23 2022, 09:06 AM

New Member

really want to, but pandan

saving interest prolly plenty bit more than than one year

This post has been edited by arif85124: May 23 2022, 09:07 AM


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